Watch On-Demand Webinars - K-12 Solutions | SchoolStatus /resource-library/webinars K-12 Student Success Platform Mon, 06 Jan 2025 17:54:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 8 Strategies for Building Stronger School-Family Partnerships /resource/8-strategies-for-building-stronger-school-family-partnerships Thu, 14 Nov 2024 20:13:02 +0000 /?post_type=resource&p=16670 Discover strategies to elevate your district's family engagement. In this on-demand webinar we explore key findings from our 2024 K-12 Communications Survey, learn about gaps between school practices and family needs, and gain practical strategies from Dr. Jennifer de Forest, Ed.D., and Dr. Kara Stern, Ph.D.

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During this free on-demand webinar, you’ll learn:

  • Practical tips to align your communication methods with what families prefer, so your messages truly hit home
  • Smart ways to tackle the “data paradox” in schools, empowering your team to make the most of student information
  • Fresh ideas to boost attendance that go beyond the usual approaches, helping you make real progress on chronic absenteeism
Want a preview of the discussion? Read a transcript excerpt here ↓
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  • Madison Lanpher (Moderator, Senior Manager, Demand Generation, SchoolStatus)
  • Dr. Jennifer de Forest (YouthTruth)
  • Dr. Kara Stern (SchoolStatus)

Moderator (Madison): Now, we are very fortunate to have two distinguished experts with us today. First, I’d love to introduce Dr. Jennifer de Forest, Director of Organizational Learning and Communications at Youth Truth. Jen, could you tell us a bit about yourself and your work?

Dr. Jennifer de Forest: Thanks, Madison. It’s really great to be here. I’m a former teacher, principal, professor, and now I work at this amazing organization called Youth Truth, where we amplify student voices through our core instrument, the survey of the student experience, and through research. Our purpose is to help schools to understand the student experience directly from those who know it best – the students themselves.

Moderator: We’re so glad to have you with us. And joining us also is Dr. Kara Stern, Director of Education and Engagement at SchoolStatus. Kara?

Dr. Kara Stern: Thanks, Madison. Happy to be here. At SchoolStatus, we focus on empowering educators with tools and insights they need for effective family engagement. And like Jen, I was a teacher and a principal, but not a professor. And I do want to say that Jen and I have been friends and collaborators for almost 30 years since grad school. So it’s been really fun to see how our work intersects in supporting stronger school communities.

Moderator: Awesome. And, you know, it’s really wonderful to see such a longstanding relationship culminating in this collaboration. Before we dive into our main topic though, could you both briefly explain your respective surveys and why you’ve come together for this webinar?

Dr. Stern: Sure. So at SchoolStatus, we recently surveyed just over a thousand K-12 educators and administrators from all over the country, alongside a parallel survey of 1,000 families. The purpose was really to understand what’s happening in school-home communications, what’s working, what isn’t, and where the opportunities are to build stronger engagement.

Dr. de Forest: And over at Youth Truth, we’ve been gathering student perception data since 2008. At this point, we’ve surveyed over 3 million students and every school year we produce at least one piece of major research that draws on this kind of growing body of aggregate data. Recent topics that we’ve plumbed have included tracking trends in the student experience through the pandemic, youth perceptions of their own emotional and mental health, and just most recently, high school students perceptions of their own civic empowerment or disempowerment.

Moderator: Awesome. So, you know, together you’re really providing this unique 360 degree view of the education landscape. That’s amazing. Okay, so today we will be covering five key areas: the communication triangle between schools, families, and students; how to build meaningful connections; strategies for supporting the whole child; ways to empower communities; and finally creating sustainable change. And we will end with time for your questions. With that, let’s go ahead and get started. Kara, I’m going to pass it over to you.

Dr. Stern: Okay, thanks. So let’s start by exploring why building stronger school-family partnerships is really so critical now more than maybe it ever has been. Our latest survey research at SchoolStatus shows a very interesting paradox that while 77% of educators rate family communication as absolutely critical to student success, most of them are also struggling to make it happen effectively. Only 25% of those educators find it easy to connect with families, and just 37% feel they have the complete information they need about their students. And this isn’t just a data point. It’s really a call to action.

Dr. de Forest: And I can, as they say, complexify that a little bit with the student voice. Since the pandemic, our data reveals that students have experienced a real roller coaster in student-teacher relationships. We were quite surprised that at the onset of COVID, students actually reported a significant 17% jump in their feelings that their teachers made an effort to understand their lives outside of school. And they actually peaked that survey item during the pandemic in the spring of 2020. That number unfortunately declined through the pandemic and it has stabilized at a really lackluster 28% of students reporting that their teachers understand their lives outside of school. So that is cause for reflection on this COVID era improvement in students’ perceptions of their relationships and underscores what we see as a real opportunity to strengthen school-home relationships.

Dr. Stern: I think it’s so interesting how your findings mirror what we’re hearing from educators, that the spike in understanding in COVID really shows us what’s possible when teachers get glimpses into students’ home lives. And I know for example, for my own kids, their teacher showed up at our door with a mask to just have some interaction with them face to face. So I think that the challenge for us now is really thinking about how to create those connection points without a crisis driving them.

Dr. de Forest: Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. It’s really that power of empathy. And we saw that during COVID.

Moderator: Yeah. So we would love to hear from you, our participants, before we dive deeper. Will you share with us what your biggest challenge is in school-family partnerships? Just take a moment to vote using the options on your screen. We know educators face multiple challenges. We’re curious to hear what resonates the most with you. There’s building consistent communication bridges, supporting whole child needs effectively, empowering student and family voice, measuring impact and sustaining change, and multiple challenges across these areas. And I think from my time as a principal, I would have chosen number five. Jen, what about you?

Dr. de Forest: Oh, for sure. Number five.

Moderator: All right, so I guess we will find out in a minute if we are not alone in choosing that. And… Kara, how are we doing on responses?

Dr. Stern: I think we’re ready to share the results. Go ahead.

Moderator: All right.

Dr. Stern: People were with us, Jen, multiple challenges across these areas, with building consistent communication bridges next. Luckily, we’re going to talk about all of these things and I hope that when you sign off this webinar, you’ll have some great actionable ideas that you can implement really starting tomorrow.

Dr. Stern: So with that, let’s keep going. I want to take a look at what I’ve been thinking of as the communication triangle. From the educator perspective, while teachers really value family engagement, only 25% of them find it easy to connect with families. And then something additional that’s quite concerning, 43% of them aren’t even sure if their messages are reaching families at all.

Dr. de Forest: Yeah, and in the background from the student perspective, that resonates as students are reporting that only 42% of them feel like they are really a part of their school community. And it’s important to note also that nearly half of secondary students are now citing mental health as an obstacle to their learning.

Dr. Stern: Well, I think that, you know, the relationship between these belonging trends and what they tell us about family communication is so interesting. And when we dig into our data, we see that schools with higher student belonging rates are often the same ones using more personalized communication approaches. So for example, when educators can send quick updates in families’ preferred languages and get confirmation that their messages are reaching home, they’re better able to build those relationships that support student belonging. And I think it’s really important, especially in high schools, whereas your data shows, Jen, like the belonging rates are plummeting.

Moderator: All right. Well, thank you both. Now let’s explore how we can strengthen these connections, starting with that student belonging. So Jen, I’m going to toss it over to you.

Dr. de Forest: Sure. Just a little bit more context on trends in student belonging. Students’ perception of belonging in school also peaked in fall of 2020, surprisingly. And as I mentioned prior, only 42% of secondary students reported feeling a sense of belonging in their school community last year. And the differences within student groups are also really important to note. So in smaller schools, students tend to have more robust feelings of belonging compared to larger schools. More middle school students also report a sense of belonging than high school students. And it’s notable that LGBTQ+ students report lower belonging, only 35% of them say they really feel like part of their school’s community, which compares less favorably when you compare that to other groups of students, including white students as one example, and students overall as well.

Dr. Stern: That’s really like significant implications for student outcomes right there.

Dr. de Forest: Yeah, it really is. We often say asking students about their perceptions of whether or not they feel like they’re part of their community and many other items, it’s not only the right thing to do because it’s ethical to ask folks in a system about their experiences, but it’s also really smart. We know that these sorts of student perception data are predictive of really important outcomes. They’re predictive of things like grades and graduation rates and also school level outcomes, including really importantly chronic absenteeism. And just to like boil it down and oversimplify, in schools where students report strong relationships with their teachers, where they report a strong sense of belonging and high academic engagement, things like absenteeism rates are lower.

Dr. Stern: Well, that makes sense. Looking at our data, we saw a really fascinating mismatch in how schools try to reach families versus what families actually want. And so while nearly 70% of families prefer text messages, only about 22% of educators regularly use texting. You know, I think as more and more of the parent demographic in schools is a millennial population, we really need to think about the fact that millennials are communicating differently from the parent generation that came before them.

And then educators themselves are facing real barriers. As I mentioned earlier, 43% aren’t sure if their messages are reaching families. 38% struggle with time constraints. And then a full third face language barriers. And it’s so… it’s very dramatic how these challenges intensify in secondary schools where teachers are trying to manage communications with many, many more families.

Dr. de Forest: Yeah, and that’s really reflected in what students report to us. Across virtually all of our research projects, what we see is that students’ reports of their caregiver or their parents’ level of education, which is of course like a proxy for socioeconomic status, is associated with more favorable student perceptions of the school experience. One thing this can inform is Kara’s point that school-home communication strategies need to be responsive to the diverse backgrounds and needs of families to make sure that every family actually hears the messages that the school is putting out.

Meet the Speakers

Dr. Jennifer de Forest, Ed.D. headshot
Dr. Jennifer de Forest, Ed.D.
Interim VP and Director of Organizational Learning and Communications, YouthTruth

Dr. Jennifer de Forest brings a wealth of experience to YouthTruth, with nearly a decade of classroom teaching, school leadership roles in California and New York City, and extensive work on school-based research projects. She holds a doctorate from Harvard’s Graduate School of Education and has served as a professor at the University of Virginia, publishing widely on education reform. At YouthTruth, Dr. de Forest helps school leaders turn community insights into actionable data, drawing on her diverse background in education and research.

Headshot of Dr. Kara Stern.
Kara Stern, Ph.D.
Director, Education and Engagement, SchoolStatus

Dr. Stern began her career as a high school English teacher, later becoming a middle school principal, Executive Director of Math for America, a Head of School, and now education content strategist. A writer and contributor to many publications, Dr. Stern is an education thought leader, creating K-12 resources for teachers and principals. She earned a Ph.D. in Teaching & Learning from NYU.


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How to Maximize Attendance Before the Holiday Slump /resource/on-demand-how-to-maximize-attendance-before-the-holiday-slump Thu, 17 Oct 2024 16:02:08 +0000 /?post_type=resource&p=16050 Join us on October 16 for a live webinar to discover data-driven strategies for boosting attendance before and after the holiday break. You’ll learn actionable ways to engage students and families, and keep attendance strong throughout the year.

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You’ll hear from Eric Guerrero, Director of Pupil Services at Sulphur Springs Union SD, and Diem Johnson, Principal at Valley View Community Elementary, on how their district has successfully implemented these strategies to boost attendance and keep students engaged.

During this free on-demand webinar, you’ll learn:
  • Actionable strategies you can implement right away to boost attendance in your district
  • How to use data analysis to identify trends and at-risk students before attendance drops
  • Best practices for leveraging technology to improve attendance tracking and family engagement
Want a preview of the discussion? Read a transcript excerpt here ↓
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  • Brenda Tapp (Host, Senior Customer Success Manager, SchoolStatus)
  • Dr. Eric Guerrero (District Administrator)
  • Mrs. Diem Johnson (School Principal)

Key Highlights:

District Overview:

  • Sulphur Springs Union School District serves about 5,000 students
  • Diverse student population: 54% socioeconomically disadvantaged, 22% English learners
  • 16% of students have disabilities

Valley View Community School:

  • 550 students from TK through 6th grade
  • 72% socioeconomically disadvantaged, 27% English learners
  • Serves a regional program for medically fragile students


  • Significant reduction in chronic absenteeism (from 30% to 14% in one year)
  • Improved attendance rates, especially around holidays

Ongoing Efforts:

  • Aiming for single-digit chronic absenteeism rates
  • Continual improvement and adaptation of strategies

Brenda: They know that students come first regardless of who they are, their background or anything.

Dr. Guerrero: We have about our students are made up of about 54.8 or about 54 of our students are socioeconomically disadvantaged. About 22 are English learners as well. We do have a foster population of about half a percent and then homeless is about 1% as well. You can see we have a very, very diverse population as well when it comes to our student backgrounds, Hispanic and white being the majority of the students. But again, we are a very diverse, diverse district. We celebrate all of our students and all means all when it comes to our schools.

We also have very unique special ed programs that we have. Mrs. Johnson will talk a little bit about the program that is at her site, which is a regional program. It serves our multiple students with multiple disabilities. And then we also have a severe op program as well. We service students who are severely impacted by autism, as well as just your regular RSP and regular SDC programs. It’s about 16% of our students who are students with disabilities.

Brenda: Oh, very interesting. Thank you very much. Let’s hear a little bit about Valley View Community. And you, Mrs. Johnson.

Mrs. Diem Johnson: Good morning, everyone. Thank you so much for inviting me. I’m very excited to share all of the wonderful things that are happening at Valley View. Just to give a little background on our school, we are also a very diverse school. We have about 550 students who are enrolled. We span from TK all the way through sixth grade, just like Dr. Guerrero had mentioned, we serve the regional program, which really encompasses all of the Santa Clarita, SELPA area, where we serve our medically fragile population.

We are a Title I school, and so we have about 72% of our scholars who are socially economically disadvantaged. For our English learner population, we have about 27% of our scholars are ELs. We have about a 1.6% that are homeless youth and about half a percent that are foster. And then 13% of our scholars are also, they have an IEP.

It is just me as an administrator. I do not have an assistant principal, but we are very, very fortunate that we do have a program specialist that supports me with our special ed population as well as a full-time social worker.

Brenda: Sounds like you’ve got a lot going on at your school. And I think our group that’s attending and listening in today is going to get so much information, the wealth of information that you’re going to be sharing out today.

With all the challenges and the opportunities you have in front of us, how you’re continuing to keep attendance a main focus. Really quickly, before we go into that, I just want to quickly introduce myself again as Brenda, but more importantly, SchoolStatus and why I’m here disrupting your guys’ conversations.

So SchoolStatus is um… We’re the partner with Sulphur Springs. We worked with them now for over seven years. We’re in our seventh school year as a district partner with them. SchoolStatus itself, we have many different tools to help support communications between the schools and the families. And we’re going to talk today specifically about [SchoolStatus] Attend, which is our attendance platform, attendance platform program that we partner with districts nationwide. We have about 2 million students under our umbrella for Attend and again we have been around for over 20 years.

Brenda: So today what I’m going to do is jump down to the agenda. We’ll talk a little bit more about SchoolStatus and Attend as we get further into the presentation today. We’re going to do some, we did our introductions. We’re going to talk about the challenge we’re all facing today. Attendance, right? Number one challenge. We’re going to look at some data.

And then Silver Springs is going to share some of their intervention strategies that have helped them become very, very successful in regards to attendance and student success and achievement. Mrs. Johnson is going to share what they’ve been doing at her campus. And then Dr. Guerrero is going to be sharing from a district-wide perspective the all hands on deck philosophy that they’ve been using and talking about those holidays update, the upcoming holidays.

So Madison, let’s go ahead and go down to talking about kind of some of the challenges that we’re all faced with. So we know attendance is the number one indicator of student success. We know that attendance has always been challenging, but specifically since COVID, we are nowhere near where we want to be nationwide as a school. In fact, when we take a look at our 23-24 data compared to the year before. We are seeing nationwide, we’re seeing improvement in attendance, but we’re still about double where we were before COVID.

But we’re coming back. Now, the reason I invited Silver Springs today is they are really reducing their chronic absenteeism year over year at a much faster pace than many other school districts. So I wanted them to share what they’re doing so we can all kind of move that needle faster because we’re not coming back as fast as we want to. And we know it all starts with just a few days missed, right? Just four days per quarter equates to about 16 days per school year over that student’s educational journey or experience that equates to over a year of lost learning.

You may know that, but do your families and do your parents? It’s mind blowing knowing that just a few days here and there just really does add up and being on time as well really does play into the student’s success and connection at the campus.

So what we’re going to look at today is, and on top of that, attendance not being where we want it to be, we have some very fun holidays coming up and we know that as we head into the holiday seasons, attendance can go backwards, right? More kids are missing school, extended holidays.

And so I know that that’s typically a challenge. And I wanted to ask you all, all of our participants today, our attendees, what is your district’s biggest challenge with attendance around holiday breaks? So we’re going to do a poll. I would love to see, and I’m going to ping you guys, GM and Eric, what do you feel like your district’s biggest challenge is? Well, we have everybody taking the poll in regards to holiday attendance.

Dr. Guerrero: You know, Mrs. Johnson and I, we were always discussing this and, you know, we meet frequently, as I do with all of the principals, and we’re always discussing what is the biggest thing when it comes up to holiday breaks. And I think one that we can always kind of bank on, we always talked about, you know, illness is coming up and we always can predict when that happens and how we can get ahead of it.

But we’re also talking about how our students don’t typically disengage. It’s not that we’ve never heard from them, but they do also tend to take those vacations as they come up. And, you know, they try and take the Thursday or the Friday off. And a lot of the absences as we dig into the data, we look and saw, you know, they’ve either called out ill or it’s been the families they’re going to go on a vacation. Definitely looking across the district, that’s what we’ve seen. But Mrs. Johnson, what have you seen from your site when we’ve dug in there?

Mrs. Diem Johnson: I definitely concur with you. It is a combination of family vacations. They are taking that extra day before or after the holiday. And then also leading up to the holiday, we already know it’s flu season, cold season, and especially for our little ones, the ones that are in TKK, we’ve talked about this with our district and my fellow principals. You know, parents, this is their first time where their children are coming to school and there’s a little sniffle and so they have to kind of keep their child at home. So we’re working through that as a school with our families to let them know that, you know, when is it appropriate for them to come to school and when is it that they should definitely stay home. So it’s all about communication and collaboration.

Dr. Eric Guerrero
Director of Pupil Services, Sulphur Springs Union School District

Dr. Eric Guerrero serves as the Director of Personnel and Pupil Services for the Sulphur Springs Union School District. With 18 years of experience in education, he supports the District’s nine sites, especially in the areas of student welfare and attendance. As the Director, Dr. Guerrero prides himself on building strong partnerships within the community, ensuring families have the needed resources for their success.

Diem Johnson
Principal, Valley View Community Elementary School
Brenda Tapp
Senior Customer Success Manager, SchoolStatus

As the Senior Customer Success Manager at SchoolStatus, Brenda Tapp is in constant conversations with the school and district staff who are tasked with improving student attendance. With over 2 decades of experience in overseeing daily operations and leading high-performing intervention and technical training teams, Brenda has honed her expertise in attendance management and interventions. She actively participates with the State Attendance Review Board, serving as liaison with district leaders and collaborating with IT and front-line staff to implement best practices and achieve remarkable attendance goals.


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Mastering Communication Strategies Across the K-12 Journey /resource/on-demand-mastering-communication-strategies-across-the-k-12-journey Thu, 26 Sep 2024 17:07:47 +0000 /?post_type=resource&p=14453 During this on-demand webinar with Pecos Barstow-Toyah, you'll learn how to leverage data-driven insights to create personalized, impactful messages that resonate across different age groups–ensuring that your communication remains relevant and effective from start to finish.

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During this on-demand webinar with Pecos Barstow-Toyah, you’ll learn how to leverage data-driven insights to create personalized, impactful messages that resonate across different age groups—ensuring that your communication remains relevant and effective from start to finish.

During this free on-demand webinar, you’ll learn:
  • How to understand and address the unique communication needs of families at each stage of the K-12 journey
  • Strategies to personalize outreach using data, adapting your approach as students progress from elementary to high school
  • Techniques for maintaining consistent, trustworthy communication that supports long-term student success

Meet the Speakers

Nydia Natividad, M.A.
Director of Media and Communications, Pecos-Barstow-Toyah ISD

Nydia Natividad is the Director of Media and Communications for Pecos-Barstow-Toyah ISD in Pecos, TX. A proud product of the district she serves, Nydia is passionate about telling the stories of its 2,700 students and fostering strong connections within her beloved community.

Headshot of Dr. Kara Stern.
Kara Stern, Ph.D.
Director, Education and Engagement, SchoolStatus

Dr. Stern began her career as a high school English teacher, later becoming a middle school principal, Executive Director of Math for America, a Head of School, and now education content strategist. A writer and contributor to many publications, Dr. Stern is an education thought leader, creating K-12 resources for teachers and principals. She earned a Ph.D. in Teaching & Learning from NYU.


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Attendance Intervention Strategies That Work /resource/on-demand-attendance-intervention-strategies-that-work Tue, 13 Aug 2024 20:26:28 +0000 /?post_type=resource&p=12942 Hear from district leaders on attendance intervention strategies that work. This webinar will provide actionable insights and practical tools to foster a culture of consistent attendance among students and parents–ensuring lasting positive change.

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In this on-demand webinar, we take a deep dive into current attendance trends, share real-world examples from districts that have successfully improved attendance rates, and cover ways to leverage data to inform and enhance attendance strategies. You won’t want to miss these insights from Sheldon ISD’s Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services, Juan Duenas!

During this free on-demand webinar, you’ll learn:
  • Current Absenteeism Trends: Grasp the latest data and understand the root causes of chronic absenteeism.
  • Effective Intervention Programs: Discover evidence-based strategies that have worked in various K-12 districts.
  • Data Utilization: Learn how to harness your data to tailor interventions and improve attendance rates.

Meet the Speakers

Juan Duenas M.Ed.
Juan Duenas M.Ed.
Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services, Sheldon ISD

Juan Dueñas, M.Ed., brings over 27 years of experience in instructional educational leadership to his role, currently serving as Assistant Superintendent of Support Services at Sheldon ISD. With a Master’s in Education Administration from Grand Canyon University, he has a proven track record of implementing data-driven strategies, improving student performance, and fostering collaborative learning environments across multiple schools and districts.

Headshot of Dr. Kara Stern.
Kara Stern, Ph.D.
Director, Education and Engagement, SchoolStatus

Dr. Stern began her career as a high school English teacher, later becoming a middle school principal, Executive Director of Math for America, a Head of School, and now education content strategist. A writer and contributor to many publications, Dr. Stern is an education thought leader, creating K-12 resources for teachers and principals. She earned a Ph.D. in Teaching & Learning from NYU.


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5 Steps to Better Attendance /resource/on-demand-5-steps-to-better-attendance Fri, 26 Jul 2024 18:52:01 +0000 /?post_type=resource&p=12542 Student absenteeism has been a growing challenge, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic's disruptions. This on-demand webinar explores data-driven strategies to understand attendance patterns, identify at-risk students, and implement effective intervention initiatives. 

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Ian Fish, Assistant Director, Student Services at Alvord Unified School District, and Brenda Tapp, Sr. Customer Success Manager at SchoolStatus share how to analyze attendance data, utilize positive communication campaigns to engage families and apply an equity lens to attendance practices.

During this free webinar, you’ll learn:

  • How to analyze attendance data to uncover critical insights and identify at-risk students.
  • Techniques for engaging families through effective multi-channel communication campaigns.
  • Strategies to prioritize equity and foster a culture of consistent attendance.

Meet the Speakers

Ian Fish Photo
Ian Fish
Assistant Director, Student Services, Alvord Unified School District

Ian Fish brings over 20 years of dedicated service in education, specializing in enhancing student engagement and well-being. Beginning as a passionate middle and high school teacher and coach, Ian transitioned into leadership roles, including serving as an Assistant Principal for 3 years at a comprehensive high school. This journey provided a deep understanding of the educational landscape and a commitment to fostering positive school environments. Currently, as Assistant Director of Student Services, Ian channels expertise towards improving student attendance and discipline across Alvord Unified School District. With a proven track record in implementing effective strategies, Ian is dedicated to promoting a culture of inclusivity and academic excellence. By collaborating closely with stakeholders, Ian continues to advocate for student success and holistic development.

Brenda Tapp
Senior Customer Success Manager, SchoolStatus

As the Senior Customer Success Manager at SchoolStatus, Brenda Tapp is in constant conversations with the school and district staff who are tasked with improving student attendance. With over 2 decades of experience in overseeing daily operations and leading high-performing intervention and technical training teams, Brenda has honed her expertise in attendance management and interventions. She actively participates with the State Attendance Review Board, serving as liaison with district leaders and collaborating with IT and front-line staff to implement best practices and achieve remarkable attendance goals.


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Summer Communications: How to Engage Staff and Families Year-Round /resource/on-demand-summer-communications-how-to-engage-staff-and-families-year-round Thu, 20 Jun 2024 16:50:50 +0000 /?post_type=resource&p=11393 Learn the strategies and tools necessary to keep K-12 communication channels active and engaging over the summer months.

The post Summer Communications: How to Engage Staff and Families Year-Round appeared first on SchoolStatus.

Students and faculty may be on break, but communications
should be in full attendance this summer!

Maintaining robust communications throughout summer break is essential for sustaining student enrollment and reducing teacher attrition in the fall. 

During this free webinar, you’ll learn:
  • How to craft compelling summer communications that boost enrollment and increase family engagement 
  • Diverse communication tactics that will reduce staff attrition and foster team cohesion 
  • Ways to ensure a successful start to the academic year by mastering two key communication must-haves

Meet the Speakers

Nydia Natividad, M.A.
Director of Media and Communications, Pecos-Barstow-Toyah ISD

Nydia Natividad is the Director of Media and Communications for Pecos-Barstow-Toyah ISD in Pecos, TX. A proud product of the district she serves, Nydia is passionate about telling the stories of its 2,700 students and fostering strong connections within her beloved community.

Headshot of Dr. Kara Stern.
Kara Stern, Ph.D.
Director, Education and Engagement, SchoolStatus

Dr. Stern began her career as a high school English teacher, later becoming a middle school principal, Executive Director of Math for America, a Head of School, and now education content strategist. A writer and contributor to many publications, Dr. Stern is an education thought leader, creating K-12 resources for teachers and principals. She earned a Ph.D. in Teaching & Learning from NYU.


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Strategies for Overcoming Chronic Absenteeism in Texas Schools /resource/on-demand-strategies-for-overcoming-chronic-absenteeism-in-texas-schools Fri, 07 Jun 2024 16:32:46 +0000 /?post_type=resource&p=10653 Uncover ways to tackle chronic absenteeism in Texas schools. Register for the live webinar to learn proven strategies and insights from district leaders on how to drive student attendance and engagement in Texas K-12.

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Meet the Speakers

Dr. Tameka Lewis
District Student Attendance & Dropout Prevention Coordinator, Grand Prairie ISD

Beginning as a second-grade teacher, Dr. Tameka Lewis currently serves as the Student Attendance & Dropout Prevention Coordinator in Grand Prairie ISD, with over 15 years of dedicated experience in education. Throughout her various roles within GPISD, Dr. Lewis has consistently demonstrated a profound passion for guiding students toward decisions that pave the way for a bright future. In her current position, she focuses on developing innovative strategies to enhance student attendance, graduation rates, and family engagement, all with the overarching goal of maximizing student achievement. Dr. Lewis’s commitment extends beyond her professional duty, as she is also a parent who has raised three remarkable children within the Grand Prairie school district. Her dual perspective as both an educator and a parent enriches her approach to fostering positive outcomes for students and contributes to her effectiveness in her role.

Headshot of Dr. Kara Stern.
Dr. Kara Stern
Director, Education and Engagement, SchoolStatus

When she was in 2nd grade, Dr. Kara Stern decided she wanted to be a teacher. Her commitment to education never waivered. With over 30 years of experience, Dr. Stern began her career as a high school English teacher, later becoming a middle school principal, Executive Director of Math for America, and education content strategist for EdTech marketing teams. A writer and contributor to many publications, Dr. Stern is an education thought leader, creating K-12 resources for teachers and principals. She was a Klingenstein Fellow and earned a Ph.D. in Teaching & Learning from NYU. Dr. Stern brings her knowledge and advocacy for consistent, data-driven school communications to SchoolStatus. Outside academia, Dr. Stern indulges her love for reading, devouring two novels weekly, with a particular fondness for heists and spy stories.

Brenda Tapp
Senior Customer Success Manager, SchoolStatus

As the Senior Customer Success Manager at SchoolStatus, Brenda Tapp is in constant conversations with the school and district staff who are tasked with improving student attendance. With over 2 decades of experience in overseeing daily operations and leading high-performing intervention and technical training teams, Brenda has honed her expertise in attendance management and interventions. She actively participates with the State Attendance Review Board, serving as liaison with district leaders and collaborating with IT and front-line staff to implement best practices and achieve remarkable attendance goals.


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10 Proven Strategies for Effective Educator Growth Planning /resource/strategies-for-effective-educator-growth-planning Mon, 13 May 2024 16:25:52 +0000 /?post_type=resource&p=9096 In our on-demand webinar, discover 10 effective strategies for growth planning in your district from collaboratively setting goals to providing personalized coaching and leveraging data insights.

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Meet the Speakers

Noah Hamilton, M.Ed.
Director, Accountability & Accreditation, Oxford SD

Noah Hamilton is the Director of Accountability and Accreditation for the Oxford (MS) School District and a twenty-six (26) year veteran to k-12 education. A 2022 Administrator of the Year for the Oxford School District, Noah specializes in data analysis/organization and is responsible for educating other employees on district and state procedures and standards. Married for 29 years and the proud father of four adult children, Noah likes to spend his spare time working in the yard or building things in his shop and is an avid Ole Miss Rebel fan.

Headshot of Dr. Kara Stern.
Dr. Kara Stern
Director, Education and Engagement, SchoolStatus

When she was in 2nd grade, Dr. Kara Stern decided she wanted to be a teacher. Her commitment to education never waivered. With over 30 years of experience, Dr. Stern began her career as a high school English teacher, later becoming a middle school principal, Executive Director of Math for America, and education content strategist for EdTech marketing teams. A writer and contributor to many publications, Dr. Stern is an education thought leader, creating K-12 resources for teachers and principals. She was a Klingenstein Fellow and earned a Ph.D. in Teaching & Learning from NYU. Dr. Stern brings her knowledge and advocacy for consistent, data-driven school communications to SchoolStatus. Outside academia, Dr. Stern indulges her love for reading, devouring two novels weekly, with a particular fondness for heists and spy stories.


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Key Trends in 2024 School-Family Dynamics /resource/key-trends-in-2024-school-family-dynamics-webinar Fri, 22 Mar 2024 04:01:00 +0000 /resource/download-strategies-to-address-chronic-absenteeism-on-demand-webinar-copy Watch this on-demand webinar to hear from a roundtable of K-12 education experts as they provide a walkthrough of the 2024 School-Family Communications Report. They discuss the report’s findings and insights gleaned, explore the crucial themes that are shaping K-12 school-family dynamics, and provide practical approaches to improve school-family engagement.

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Meet the Speakers

Headshot of Dr. Kara Stern.
Dr. Kara Stern
Director, Education and Engagement, SchoolStatus

When she was in 2nd grade, Dr. Kara Stern decided she wanted to be a teacher. Her commitment to education never waivered. With over 30 years of experience, Dr. Stern began her career as a high school English teacher, later becoming a middle school principal, Executive Director of Math for America, and education content strategist for EdTech marketing teams. A writer and contributor to many publications, Dr. Stern is an education thought leader, creating K-12 resources for teachers and principals. She was a Klingenstein Fellow and earned a Ph.D. in Teaching & Learning from NYU. Dr. Stern brings her knowledge and advocacy for consistent, data-driven school communications to SchoolStatus. Outside academia, Dr. Stern indulges her love for reading, devouring two novels weekly, with a particular fondness for heists and spy stories.

Headshot of Joy Smithson.
Dr. Joy Smithson
Data Scientist, SchoolStatus

Dr. Joy Smithson is a Data Scientist at SchoolStatus, where she works with districts all over the country to help educators use data to inform decisions and support student success. Dr. Smithson sees her role as a dual mission: understanding educators’ pressing research questions, and translating vast datasets into actionable insights to address those queries. Dr. Smithson leverages her expertise in analyzing, interpreting, summarizing, visualizing, and wrangling data to support educators and create better outcomes for students.

Headshot of Grace Spencer.
Grace Spencer
Product Manager, SchoolStatus

Grace Spencer is a passionate attendance expert who helped build School Innovations & Achievement (SI&A) over 25 years, including the Attention2Attendance (A2A) product. As VP of Product Management for SchoolStatus Attend, Grace leverages her depth of experience and belief in the value of education for all children to inform product development and expansion. Grace has worked in partnership with districts and has seen the crucial link between student achievement and attendance. As a parent, she values the role of education and advocates for increased family involvement and equitable communications for all.


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5 Proven Strategies to Boost Student Attendance /resource/on-demand-webinar-5-proven-strategies-to-boost-student-attendance Mon, 18 Mar 2024 22:31:06 +0000 /?post_type=resource&p=5807 /wp-content/uploads/Featured-Image-On-Demand-Webinar-5-Proven-Strategies-to-Boost-Student-Attendance-1.png

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Meet the Speaker

Headshot of Dr. Kara Stern.
Dr. Kara Stern
Director, Education and Engagement, SchoolStatus

When she was in 2nd grade, Dr. Kara Stern decided she wanted to be a teacher. Her commitment to education never waivered. With over 30 years of experience, Dr. Stern began her career as a high school English teacher, later becoming a middle school principal, Executive Director of Math for America, and education content strategist for EdTech marketing teams. A writer and contributor to many publications, Dr. Stern is an education thought leader, creating K-12 resources for teachers and principals. She was a Klingenstein Fellow and earned a Ph.D. in Teaching & Learning from NYU. Dr. Stern brings her knowledge and advocacy for consistent, data-driven school communications to SchoolStatus. Outside academia, Dr. Stern indulges her love for reading, devouring two novels weekly, with a particular fondness for heists and spy stories.


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Unraveling the “Why”: Strategies to Address Chronic Absenteeism /resource/download-strategies-to-address-chronic-absenteeism-on-demand-webinar Wed, 20 Dec 2023 21:57:12 +0000 /wp-content/uploads/webinar-strategies-to-address-chronic-absenteeism-1.png

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Meet the Speakers

Photo of Scott Meyer.
Scott Meyer
Director of Behavior Intervention & Student Services, Folson-Cordova

Scott has been an educator for 20 years in the Folsom Cordova Unified School District where he has served as a teacher, Assistant Principal, Child Welfare Coordinator, and currently as the Director of Behavior Intervention & Student Services. In his current role, Mr. Meyer oversees a variety of areas including student discipline, expulsions, educational law, bullying prevention, character development, behavioral support & interventions, and attendance. Regardless of the capacity of working with students, Mr. Meyer is a firm believer in developing social & emotional skills and utilizing a “whole child” approach.

Photo of Phil Ortega.
Phil Ortega
Attendance and Student Services Supervisor, retired; Executive Director and Founder of LIFE Art

Phil Ortega began his education career as a Dean of Student and Disciplinarian at South Medford High School in Oregon. He subsequently moved on to be a Regional Truancy Officer for the Southern Oregon Educational Service District before finally dedicating the past 16 years of his career as the Attendance and Student Services Supervisor for the Eagle Point School District, Jackson County 9. Mr. Ortega is also founder of LIFE Art Studio, a nonprofit that promotes bilingual youth creativity, communication skills, and academic success. He also serves as Board Governor for AllCare Health. He is an active Youth Advocate at the Keep Encouraging Youth (KEY) project providing at-risk youth with programs promoting civility and violence prevention. Mr. Ortega is a recognized Southern Oregon leader in the areas of youth conflict resolution, culturally appropriate communication, and servant leadership.

Headshot of Dr. Kara Stern.
Dr. Kara Stern
Director, Education and Engagement, SchoolStatus

When she was in 2nd grade, Dr. Kara Stern decided she wanted to be a teacher. Her commitment to education never waivered. With over 30 years of experience, Dr. Stern began her career as a high school English teacher, later becoming a middle school principal, Executive Director of Math for America, and education content strategist for EdTech marketing teams. A writer and contributor to many publications, Dr. Stern is an education thought leader, creating K-12 resources for teachers and principals. She was a Klingenstein Fellow and earned a Ph.D. in Teaching & Learning from NYU. Dr. Stern brings her knowledge and advocacy for consistent, data-driven school communications to SchoolStatus. Outside academia, Dr. Stern indulges her love for reading, devouring two novels weekly, with a particular fondness for heists and spy stories.


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Enhancing Educator-Family Communication for a Successful Year Ahead /resource/download-enhancing-educator-family-communication-on-demand-webinar Tue, 19 Dec 2023 21:20:22 +0000 /wp-content/uploads/webinar-how-to-enhance-educator-family-communication.png

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Meet our Speaker!

Portrait of a smiling woman in a gray blouse.
Kari Murphy
Kari Murphy, Chief Technology Officer, Deer Park ISD

Dr. Kari Murphy is a Certified Technology Leader with over 30 years’ experience in educational technology and currently serves as the Chief Technology Officer for Deer Park Independent School District in Texas. She is a certified WHY.os consultant and coach. In 2019, she was awarded the TCEA Lifetime Achievement for the Advancement of Technology in Education. In 2016, she was honored as one of two 2015-2016 Texas recipients of the International Society for Technology in Education’s Making IT Happen award. In 2007, she was recognized as one of the Top Women in Computing for the Houston area by the AWC due to her leadership in K-12 educational technology. She earned her Doctorate in Educational Leadership through University of Houston Clear Lake (UHCL), her Masters’ degree in Mid-Management from UHCL, and her Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education from Baylor University. She is a regular presenter at state and national conventions & conferences. Her mission and passion is to provide change leadership empowering others to facilitate educational success for students.


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